Film Analysis & Notes
Notes and Presentations
Film Analysis Assignments
Introduction to Film Writing Assignment -- MOVIE MOMENT
*We've all had a moment at the movies that blew us away! Now write about the first time (or your most memorable time) that you experienced this emotion from a movie.
* Write a 1-2 paragraph (typed, double-spaced) description of the moment when you were first inspired by film as an art form.
*Describe a single scene in detail
*Discuss the impression it made upon you and why
*Now that you've experienced this film, why do you want to be a filmmaker?
How to analyze film
How to analyze movies like a boss (Part 1) -- After reading this article, scroll to the bottom that contains Parts 2--7 for additional ideas on how to analyze film
Individual Film Appreciation Assignments:
CHILDREN OF MEN Cinematography Analysis
CHILDREN OF MEN Advanced Cinematography Analysis
Advanced FE&D Cinematography Analysis
Cinematography Film Analysis (the Prestige)
Thriller Film Analysis — Film Options:
CREED - Three Act Structure and the Hero’s Journey
The Disaster Artist - Three Act Structure and the Hero’s Journey
Shot By Shot Analysis Assignment
Magnificent Seven Shot by Shot Scene Playlist
The Guilty Lighting & Cinematography Analysis — need help? Click here to read an article
TENET Film Analysis Assignment
Film Noir Analysis Assignment (MEMENTO)
Film Noir Analysis Assignment (SHUTTER ISLAND)
Acting/Directing (Whiplash) Advanced Film Analysis
Film Analysis Worksheet (Saving Private Ryan).docx
Shaun of the Dead Film Analysis
Scott Pilgrim vs. The World Analysis
Me and Earl and the Dying Girl Film Analysis
Film Noir Analysis Assignment (BLACK SWAN)
Film Noir Analysis Assignment (INCEPTION)
Film Analysis Assignment (SILVER LININGS PLAYBOOK)
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind Film Analysis
Lesson - Directing, Acting, and Screenplay Writing Film Review and Analysis