Assignments & Projects
Topics 1 & 2 - Worlds Collide: From “First Discovery” to Colonization
Dual Credit United States History Fall Syllabus
Dual Credit United States History Spring Syllabus
US History Intro & Source Review Webquest
Worlds Collide: The People v. Columbus Mock Trial
Middle Passage Parliamentary Inquiry
Salem Witch Trials (Mock Trials Presentation)
Team America - Intro to Writing Assignment
Topic 3 - Don't Tread on Me: The American Revolution
The Road to Revolution: The Stamp Act
Massacre or Riot? - Boston Massacre Mini-Mock Trial
RTTP: American Revolution Role Playing Game
Common Sense Discussion Qs.pdf
Declaration of Independence Debate.pdf
Forming the Rabble in Arms
Team America - Legends and Lies Book Discussion
The Patriot Movie Response Assignment
American Revolution as a Social Revolution? (Activity).pdf
“I am...” the American Revolution Extra Credit Project
Topic 4 - A Nation Founded on Compromise
Articles of Confederation Activity.pdf
Founding Fathers Constitutional Debate Forum
Sedition Acts Debate Activity.pdf
Sedition Acts Debate Activity Arguments.pdf
Alien & Sedition Acts Written Response
War of 1812.pdf
War of 1812 Debate.docx
New American Republic Campaign Ad
Manifest Destiny Literary Analysis Unit
Midterm Extra Credit Opportunities!
The Corps of Discovery: Encounter with the Teton Sioux
Reporting the Underground Railroad
Whose Manifest Destiny? -- Narrative Essay Project
Topic 5 - America’s Manifest Destiny
Slave Narrative Documentary - Click Here to watch the film (YouTube)
If the YouTube Link does not work, try one of these:
Slave Narrative Documentary (OneDrive)
Slave Narrative Documentary (Google Drive)
Topic 5 Response Essay (Unchained Memories)
Whose Manifest Destiny? Congressional Debate
Topic 6 - The American Cataclysm: Civil War
A Free Man's War: Emancipation Proclamation
Lincoln -- Tyrant or Savior? Mock Trial
Semester Final Prep:
Semester Final Extra Credit
Miss the Review? -- Watch it here!
Topic 7: From Reconstruction to Progressive Reforms
MANHUNT - The Search for President Lincoln’s Assassin
Bury My Heart At Wounded Knee Response (Team America)
America The Story of US: CITIES Response
The Immigrant Experience in America
Robber Barons Congressional Hearing
"White Man's Burden" - American Imperialism Webquest
Muckraker’s Mission: Progressivism Webquest
Topic 8 - America in the Great War
American Entry Into War Doc Analysis.pdf
American Entry Into War Doc Analysis WKSHT.pdf
Voices from WWI - Trench Warfare Simulation
The Writer’s War: Voices from WWI
To End All Wars - WWI and the Treaty of Versailles (Choices).pdf
Treaty of Versailles Debate.pdf
Topic 9 - From Boom to Bust: The 1920s and Great Depression
Roaring Twenties Culture Webquest
America the Story of Us: Bust Response Assignment
Topic 10 - The Nightmare: World War II
Ordinary Germans, Extraordinary Times
Topic 11 - The Battle for Civilization: The Cold War & Modern America
"We Shall Overcome" - Civil Right Response
Decision Points: Early Cold War
A Time for Justice -- Video of the Civil Rights Movement (Documentary)
A Time for Justice (Response Assignment).docx
Black Separatism or Beloved Community?
Vietnam Conflict.pdf
Vietnam Debate.docx
America in the Decade of Turmoil
Topic 11 Extra Credit
Final Exam Extra Credit Opportunity:
Second Semester Movie Analysis
“I am...” American History
Semester Movie Prep:
Fall Semester Film Project.pdf
Follow this link to see examples
US History Movie Project Proposal.pdf
National History Day:
Click here for the NHD prep and research pages
US NHD Semester Research Project.docx
NHD Brainstorming Sheet.pdf
How to Write a National History Day Thesis.docx
NHD Annotated Bib Rough Draft (US).docx