Notes & Materials
Class Introduction
HSTR 159 Dual Credit World History Syllabus
Syllabus Assignment (SUBMIT ON SCHOOLOGY)
Topic 1 - The Birth of Western Civilization: The Ancient World and Greece
"An Afterglow of Them" - Crash Course in Ancient Civilization
Cradle of Civilization - Ancient Mesopotamia
The Sons of the Achaeans-Early Greek Civilization.pdf
The Crucible of Civilization-The Rise of Archaic Greece
"Tell Me, Muse, of the Man of Many Devices" - Epic Homer Intro.pdf
Free Men Against the God-King - The Greco-Persian Wars
Rule of the People or Mob Rule? - Athenian Democracy
The Frailty of Empire - The Peloponnesian War.pdf
Topic 2 - From Republic to Empire: The Roman World
Topic 2 Response Paper and Extra Credit Essays
Forming the Seven Hills - Ancient Rome in the Age of Kings
Sonatus Populusque Romanus - The Rise of Rome
The Age of Mediterranean Conquest & the Punic Wars
The Problems of Prosperity - The Roman Revolution Pt 1.pdf
New Men, Dying Republic -- The Roman Revolution, Pt 2.pdf
Death of the Republic, Birth of the Empire - The Roman Revolution Pt 3.pdf
Casualties of Conflict - From the Ides to Augustus
An Empire of Madmen? - The Roman World and the Men Who Ruled It.pdf
Ancient Rome on 5 Dinarii a Day
Problems of Empire - Extravagance, Costs, and Consequences
Rome in Transition - From Crisis to Constantine
Topic 3 - Darkness Falls: The Medieval Period
Apocalypse Now - Western Civilization in Transition.pdf
Darkness Falls - Europe in the Middle Ages
Topic 4 - From Death to Rebirth
T3&4 Renaissance Response Essay
Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse - Europe & the Great Mortality
Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse - Europe in the Age of War & Conquest
Humanism in the Renaissance.pdf
Renaissance Quick & Dirty Art Part 1
Renaissance Quick & Dirty Art Part Deux
To Be Feared and Loved - Renaissance Machiavellian Statecraft
Protestant Wives, Catholic Saints, and the Devil's Handmaids.pdf
Topic 5 - Global Encounters and the Shock of the Reformation
Love and Religious War - Henry VIII's Reformation
Revolution in Religion-The Reformation Spreads and Catholic Reformation.pdf
Christ Borne on Cannonballs-The Age of Discovery.pdf
Topic 5.2 - A Journey on the Silk Road
The Sacred Earth and Divine Land - Ancient China Introduction
The Dragon Emperor - Qin Shi Huang’s Enduring Legacy
This is the Wu-Wei — Chinese Philosophy 101
RTTP — Confucianism and the Succession Crisis of the Wanli Emperor
Topic 6 - Cataclysm of World Views: Wars of Religion and the Scientific Revolution
War and Crisis - Power Politics in the Age of Religious Reform
European Jihad - The Wars of Religion and Military Revolution
The Starry Messengers — The Cataclysm of Scientific Revolution
On the Shoulders of Giants: Scientific Revolution Response
Topic 7 - Absolutism, Constitutionalism, and the Search for Order
"Terrifying Majesty" - French Absolutism under Louis XIV
"All Else is Mine" - Foundations of Prussian Absolutism
"They Obeyed" - Russia Under Peter the Great
Saucy Kings, Simmering Tensions -- Revolution in England
John Donne - “The Flea”
Shakespearean Sonnets.pdf
Topic 8 - Old World Economies and New World Ideals: The Atlantic System and the Enlightenment
Intellectual Liberation -- The Enlightenment
Topic 9 - Liberté, Égalité, Fraternité: The French Revolution and Napoleonic Era
Fall of the Ancien Regime - French Revolutionary Background & 1st Phase.pdf
Popular Hypocrisy - The Radical Phase of the French Revolution
The Convalescence - Thermidorian Reaction and Rise of Napoleon.pdf
Don't Rock the Boat - Congress of Vienna & Waterloo
Topic 10 - The Age of Industrialization, Conservative Restoration -- and Its Discontents
Topic Schedule and Essay Assignments:
Cacophony of Europe (Role Playing Project)
The Man From St. Petersburg Essay
The Four Feathers Response (EXTRA CREDIT)
Ideologies & Upheavals - The Dual Revolutions of the 19th Century
Rage Against the Machine - Technology, Rebellion, and Industrial Revolution
Furnaces of Hell Source Investigation
Revolutionary Art! - Baroque, Neoclassical, & Romantic (Quick & Dirty)
Romantic Poets - Wordsworth & Blake
Marxism & the Foundations of Modern Socialism
Communism vs. Capitalism Source Analysis
Communism vs. Capitalism Claim Testing
Topic 11 - Industries and Empires: The Age of New Imperialism
Europe in the Age of Nationalism
Belle Epoch - Art and Culture From the Victorian Era to the Early 20th Century
Top 10 Weird Things Victorians Did for Fun
The Brown Man’s Burden — Resistance to New Imperialism
The Brown Man’s Burden by Henry Labouchere
The Man From St Petersburg (Book Discussion)
Topic 12 - Storm of Steel: The Great War and Its Aftermath
All Quiet on the Western Front Response Essay
Topic 12 Essay Response
Voices from WWI — Poetry Analysis Notes
From Stalemate to Checkmate.pdf
The Twenty Year Truce - Treaty of Versailles.pdf
European Culture in Crisis - The Age of Anxiety.pdf
A People's Tragedy - The Russian Revolution.pdf
End of WWI - Treaty of Versailles and Background to the Russian Revolution
Russian Revolution Role Playing
Topic 13 - The 20th Century Crises: Great Depression, Totalitarianism and World War II
The Nightingale Book Analysis & Discussion
The Nightingale by Kristin Hannah (link to Amazon)
The Twentieth Century In Crisis - Rise of Totalitarian Dictators
The Man of Steel - Stalin Removes Opposition
"It's Not Truth That Matters, But Victory" - Der Führer Rises.pdf
Deutschland Erwacht! - Hitler Seizes Control
Munich: The Edge of War (Netflix) Film Analysis
Blitzed - Drugs in the Third Reich
Spineless Democracies? - Appeasement of the Dictators
The Nightmare -- World War II Begins
Collaboration and Resistance in Fortress Europe
The Nightingale Book Discussion
Neighbors and Villains - The Holocaust
Fighting for the Fate of the World - the End of War and Division of Europe
Topic 13 Extra Credit Short Answer Responses
Anthropoid Movie Response Assignment
Topic 14 - The Cold War and Making of the Modern World
Post-War Chess Match - Europe in the Early Cold War
Peaceful Coexistence - Or Continued Competition?
The Changing Modern World - Integration, Detente, and Disintegration