Second Semester Projects

Review Unit — Independent Website

  • Make professional website that advertises your talents as a film editor, videographer, or photographer.

  • This site will serve as a method of displaying your work throughout the rest of the class.

  • Your Website must include the following:

    • Original Film/Photography Company Name

    • Unique Domain or Subdomain Name

    • A Homepage that displays your LOGO and Information about your company

    • A page for your PHOTOGRAPHY

    • A page for your FILMS

  • Click here to see previous examples

Review Unit — Intro to Basic Editing in Final Cut Pro X

Review Unit - Cinematography

Lesson - The Persistence of Memory

  • Groups will film random scenes from a list of items chosen by the class.

  • Each group must submit at least one of the following (including the list of random elements):
    1. Establishing/Scenery Shot
    2. Dialogue
    3. Moving/POV Shot
    4. Long Take (30 seconds or more)

  • Using the footage provided by your peers, make a short film that includes at least one clip from each group and attempts to make a story out of it.


Unit - Light, Sound, and Post Production Editing

Lesson - Super Bowl Commercials

Lesson - Montage MAYHEM

Lesson - Cinematic Lighting

Lesson - Pre-Production Simulation

Lesson - Totally Tubular Throwback Films (Original ADR & Music)

Independent Film Production (Totally Tubular Throwback Warm Up)

Unit - Film Noir & Screenplay Writing

Choose one of the following topics to make as a film:
1. Film Noir (click here)
2. Mockumentary/Docu-Style Short Film (see below)

Mockumentary News Report

  • Create a 5-10 minute Mock-News Anchor program that contains a news anchor introduction and investigative reporting (this should be humorous, but attempts to look serious)... Think Anchorman and Ron Burgundy

  • Must use a Green Screen backdrop for creation of a news set or background

Unit - Music Videos

Lesson - Music Video (click here)

  • Presentation Length = 1 song length

  • Must have a storyboard

  • Must use an appropriate song

  • Action and content must be reflective of the messages/lyrics of the song

  • Editing and Special FX are reflective of advanced music video techniques

  • How to Shoot a Music Video

Semester Final Film

  • Create an original film based on one of our class screenplays that meets all of the following requirements:

  • Screenplay

    • Your story must have original dialogue and your screenplay should include director cues that will help build the story to a climactic conclusion

    • Recommendation -- Use Celtx (click here to see video)

  • Music Choice

    • Must fit the action/drama/comedy happening on screen (can be either original or copy written)

  • Editing/Special FX

    • You must show that you have learned new skills this year! Make it look amazing!

  • Cinematography and Lighting

    • Must use artistic camera angles and dramatic lighting that build the intensity and artistic quality of the film

    • Find ways to create emotion through camera work and dramatic lighting
      Presentation length = 10 minutes or more

  • Your SCREENPLAY will be due no later than (but it is recommended you turn it in sooner so that it can be approved before filming begins) the LAST WEEK OF APRIL for your group

  • Film Due Date: 3rd week of May during Senior finals