As a class we will make a feature-length film that we will premier at the Babcock Theater on Wednesday, May 7 2025. Everyone will have a role in the creation of this film.
Join the PRODUCTION TEAM REMIND — text @bcchsfilm to 81010
Join the EXTRAS REMIND — text @filmextr to 81010
Download the SHOTS LIST and Shooting Schedule Here
Costuming Concepts
FILM ROLES (Pre-Production):
Writers — Jacob Jewett, Shane Fairbanks, Kelly Early, Anna Kim
Casting — Shane Fairbanks, Jacob Jewett, Nhinhi Klein, Milana, Zelaya, Anna, Kelly, Halle, Kylie, Emerson
Concept Art Designer — Nhinhi Klein, Jacob, Anna, JJ, Emerson
FILM ROLES (Production):
Directors — Shane Fairbanks & Jacob Jewett, JJ
Assistant Director — Ella, Madi, Nhinhi
Extras Management — Nhinhi Klein, Milana, Sam, Kelly, Natalie
Acting Coach/Director — Halle Anderson, Anna Kim, Kylie, Emerson
Script Supervisor & Continuity — Nhinhi Klein, Ella, Luke
Production Design (Staging and Props) — Dominic, Kylie, Sam, Luke, Owen, Ian, Z
Costume Design — Ella, Milana, Natalie, Z, Kelly, Zoie, Dominic
Nixon - Jacob Jewett
Monica - Ella Fairbanks
Donnie - Patrick Hermanson
Kennedy - Milana Michalsky
Chuck - Ronan O’Neill
Trent Ferguson - Luke Auer
Fitz - Will Nelson
Hampton Twins - Owen and Matthew Horn-Charnesky
Stacy - Halle Anderson
Tony Tag - Shane Fairbanks
Molly - Madi Gibson
Berkely - Kelly Early
Lindsey - Natalie Newbury
Lizzy Wilson - Anna Kim
Lizzy’s Friends - Zelaya Paumer and Nhinhi Klein
DASH Members - Dominic Kuntz (Alex), Nethanel Keener (Geddy), Josh Strydom (Neil), Caiden Hernandez (Axle)
Bryce - Montana Thomas
Coach Terry - Ellis Tillery
Dean Hansen - Emerson Adkins
Security Guards (4) - Kirkallen Hoskins, Nolan Harada, Logan Piseno
Veronica (Kennedy’s Mom) - Riley Chambless
Miss Jimison & Security Team Member - Austin Hanser
Monica’s Mom - Cara Fairbanks
Monica’s Dad - Branden Martinez
Trent’s Jazz Ensamble - Zelaya Paumer, Josh Strydom
Students in classes/hallways (20+)
Basketball Practice
Party goers
Crowd Members
Directors of Photography — Shane Fairbanks, Jacob Jewett
Assistant DOP — JJ Michalsky, Ella
Cinematographers (2) — Dominic, Ronan, Logan
Best Boys/Girls (“Everything Assistants”) — Nhinhi, Z, Luke, Sam
Audio Technician (Boom and Production Sound) — Dominic, Montana, Ian, Cade, Kirkallen
Boom Operator Assistants (4-5) —
Spark Gaffer (lighting director) — Zoie, Emerson, Madi, Sam, Nolan, Nhinhi, Ian
Assistant Gaffers —
Make Up Artists — Zoie, Nhinhi, Kelly, Emerson
Props Department — Nolan, Kirk, Dominic, Sam, Cade, JJ, Jacob
Foley Artist (ADR & Sound Effects) — Anna, Kylie, Owen, Luke, Sam
Score Director — Shane Fairbanks
Original Score Musicians — Jacob Jewett, Ella Fairbanks, Josh & Kaiden, Luke, Nhinhi, Ronan, Jo
Film Roles (Post-Production):
Lead Editor — Shane Fairbanks
Assistant Editors — Jacob Jewett & JJ Michalsky
Website Developer — Kylie, Kelly, Sam, Natalie
Concept Art Designer — Jacob, Anna,
Marketing and Promotions — Milana, Z, Madi, Sam, Nolan, Natalie, Cade, Kirkallen, Logan, Nhinhi
Production Dates:
Pre-Production Practice Speaking Roles (Lunches, Refocus, After School) — TBD
Pre-Production Practice Full Crew (Class Time) —
Character & Crew Photoshoot
Production (Shooting) —
Classroom Shooting Scenes - TBD block periods
Sunday, March 2 – limited cast/crew 10 am - 5 pm
Friday, March 21 – FULL CAST/CREW at the Babcock Theater (students will be excused from classes to help film all day as a film field trip)
Sunday, March 16 - limited cast/crew 1 pm - 5 pm
Saturday, March 22 – FULL cast/crew at BCCHS 9 am - 5 pm
Sunday, March 23 – limited cast/crew @ Oscar’s Park and TBD 1 pm - 5 pm
Friday, March 28 – limited cast/crew 6 pm - 10 pm
Saturday, March 29 – FULL CAST/CREW at the Vaira Residence for a pool party scene 5-9 pm. We will also film during the day with a limited cast/crew
Sunday, March 30 - limited cast/crew outside of Red Lodge 1 pm - 5 pm
More times as necessary, TBD with limited cast/crew
Film Premiere at the Babcock Theater at 6:30 PM on WEDNESDAY, MAY 7