Notes &

Class Materials

Dual Credit United States History Syllabus

DCUS History (Team America) Syllabus Assignment (upload to Schoology)

United States History Syllabus

United States History Syllabus Assignment

Study Guides

Topic 1 & 2 Study Guide

Native American Empires Study Guide (Topics 1&2 Test Prep).pdf

Topic 3 Reading Quiz Study Guide

Dual Credit (Team America) Topic 3 Reading Quiz Study Guide

Topic 3 study guide

Dual Credit (Team America) Topic 3 Study Guide

Topics 4&5 Study Guide

Civil War Textbook Study Guide

First Semester Final Exam Study Guide.docx

First Semester final Exam Study Guide (PDF)

Topic 7 study guide.docx

Topic 8 study guide.docx

Topic 9 study guide.docx

Topic 10 vocab quiz study guide.docx

Topic 10 study guide.docx

Second Semester Final Exam Study Guide

Second Semester Final Exam Study Guide (word version)

Topics 1&2 Notes - Worlds Collide: From “First Discovery” to Colonization

Topics 1&2 Schedule

Topics 1&2 Response Paper

Intro to Writing Assignment

The Land of the Free - Intro to US History

The First Americans - Pre-Columbian Indian Civilization

Worlds Collide - European First Contact & the Columbian Exchange

Founded Upon Smoke-The Virginia Colony

The Wordy Shipmates-Theocracies in the New World

Puritan Ethos Discussion

The Colonial Economy - Built on Slavery

Quarrels Within the Fold - Problems of the Colonial Period

The Devil in New England - Salem Witch Hysteria

Decision Points-Colonial Wars.pdf

Topic 3 - Don't Tread on Me: The American Revolution

Topic 3 Reading Schedule

Topic 3 Short Answer & EC Writing Prompts

Topic 3 Legends & Lies Reading Quiz Study Guide

From Empire to Independence.pdf

Taxes, Tyranny and Tenacity-Defense of American Rights.pdf

From Resistance to Open Rebellion-The Road to War

Independence in Blood and Ink

Common Sense & Independence

RTTP American Revolution Role Play Introduction

Liberty or Death! - Americans at War

The Secrets of Winning a War — Washington as Strategist

Turning the World Upside Down-American Victory

American Revolution: Hypocrisy or Social Revolution?

Abigail Adams to John Adams on Women's Freedom

Topic 4 Notes - A Nation Founded on Compromise

Topics 4&5 Reading Schedule

Topic 4 Essay Response

A Nation Founded Upon Compromise

Launching the New Nation - Challenges of the New Republic

Launching the New Nation Evidence Packet.pdf

A Lesson in the Abuse of Power: The Alien & Sedition Acts

How to Get Dirty in Politics - Jefferson, Adams, and the Political Revolution of 1800

The Second War for Indpendence — War of 1812

Writing Workshop

How to Write a Thesis-Driven Essay

MLA Citations and Formatting

Poetic American Verse

Topic 5 Notes - America’s Manifest Destiny

Topic 5 Slave Narrative Response Paper

King Cotton in the Antebellum South

Differing Accounts of Plantation Life.pdf

The Bonds of American Slavery - Restraint, Resistance & Rebellion

Jefferson's Empire of Liberty-Lewis & Clark.pdf

Westward the Course of Empire - Manifest Destiny

Poetic American Verse

Topic 6 Notes - The American Cataclysm: Civil War

Civil War Textbook.pdf

Civil War Textbook Study Guide.docx (Microsoft Word Version)

Civil War Textbook Study Guide.pdf (PDF Version)

Averting Cataclysm.pdf

For the Soul of the Nation (updated)

"Gods & Generals" - First Phase of the Civil War

"A Great Slaughter Pen".pdf

Conditions in War - Women and Field Hospitals in the Civil War

Tyrant or Savior? - Lincoln's Decisions In War

Lincoln - “My Childhood Home”

A Free Man's War -- Emancipation Proclamation

"The Gray Floor of Hell"-Chancellorsville & Gettysburg.pdf

"The Passing of the Dead" - Defeat of the Confederacy.pdf

Shall We End this Bleeding? - Lincoln Movie Intro

"One Country - One Destiny" - Reconstruction & Assassination


National History Day

US History NHD Semester Research Project

NHD Brainstorming Sheet

How to Write a National History Day Thesis

NHD Thesis and Sources Prep (US).pdf

NHD Annotated Bibliography and Thesis Rough Draft

Topic 7 - From Reconstruction to Progressive Reforms

Topic 7 Schedule

"One Country - One Destiny" - Reconstruction & Assassination

O Captain! My Captain! by Walt Whitman

American Terrorists - The Ku Klux Klan and Reconstructed South

Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee

No Irish Need Apply - The Immigrant Experience in America

The Gilded Age - Built on the Backs of the Poor

Toward a New America - The Progressive Era

A Splendid Little War - Imperialism and the Spanish American War

The White Man’s Burden — by Rudyard Kipling

Topic 8 Notes - America in the Great War

HSTA&AmLIT Topic 8 Schedule

The Guns of August - The Great War in Europe

Profiles of Combatant Nations in WWI

A Strained Neutrality - American Entry into War

Mobilizing the Nation.pdf

Mobilizing the Nation EC Assignment

Dulce Et Decorum Est-Life of a Soldier on the Front Lines

Voices from World War I.pdf

Fighting for Peace At Home and Abroad

The Social Effects of World War I

There Will The Rats Be As Well (poem)

Click Here to read the poetry

Topic 9 Notes - From Boom to Bust: The 1920s and Great Depression

Topic 9 Schedule

Topic 9 Essay/Book Review

Intro to 1920s

Slang of the 1920s

The Noble Experiment - Prohibition updated

Life in the Roaring Twenties

Voices of Protest - Harlem Renaissance Poetry

From Boom To Bust-Great Depression.pdf

Great Depression Cultural Response

New Deal, New Era

Topic 10 Notes - The Nightmare: World War II

Topic 10 Reading Schedule

Beneath a Scarlett Sky

Night Study Guide Assignment

The Coming of the Storm - Rise of Totalitarian Dictators

From Appeasement to Aggression - WWII Sweeps Europe

Bushido-The Spirit Warriors of Pearl Harbor

The Application of Power - The War for Europe

Turning Tides of War - The War in the Pacific and Mushroom Clouds over Japan

The Final Solution - Destruction and Defiance (updated)

Night Discussion

Topic 11 Notes - The Battle for Civilization: Cold War and Modern America

Topic 11 Reading Schedule

"We Shall Overcome" - Civil Right Response

From Cold Peace to Cold War

"Better Dead Than Red!" - the Second Red Scare

Cold War - Steamy Culture

America, Allen Ginsberg (Edited)

The Times They Are A’Changin — Civil Rights Era

We Shall Overcome — Bearing the Cross of Civil Rights

Arm Raised with a Clenched Fist - Black Power

Arms Raised with a Clenched Fist - Black Power (condensed)

Vietnam Quagmire

Stickin' it to the Man! (60s Counterculture)

Counterculture Music of the 1960s & 1970s

The End of an Era: The Silent Majority & Presidential Scandal

Hollywood on the Potomoc - The Reagan Revolution (condensed)

Clash of Civilizations - Terrorism and the Post 9/11 World

Major Semester Assignments/Handouts

Fall Semester Film Project.pdf

USH Movie Storyboard.pdf

Spring Semester Final Project.docx