Notes &
Class Materials
Dual Credit United States History Syllabus
DCUS History (Team America) Syllabus Assignment (upload to Schoology)
United States History Syllabus
United States History Syllabus Assignment
Study Guides
Native American Empires Study Guide (Topics 1&2 Test Prep).pdf
Topic 3 Reading Quiz Study Guide
Dual Credit (Team America) Topic 3 Reading Quiz Study Guide
Dual Credit (Team America) Topic 3 Study Guide
Civil War Textbook Study Guide
First Semester Final Exam Study Guide.docx
First Semester final Exam Study Guide (PDF)
Topic 10 vocab quiz study guide.docx
Second Semester Final Exam Study Guide
Second Semester Final Exam Study Guide (word version)
Topics 1&2 Notes - Worlds Collide: From “First Discovery” to Colonization
Topics 1&2 Response Paper
The Land of the Free - Intro to US History
The First Americans - Pre-Columbian Indian Civilization
Worlds Collide - European First Contact & the Columbian Exchange
Founded Upon Smoke-The Virginia Colony
The Wordy Shipmates-Theocracies in the New World
The Colonial Economy - Built on Slavery
Quarrels Within the Fold - Problems of the Colonial Period
The Devil in New England - Salem Witch Hysteria
Decision Points-Colonial Wars.pdf
Topic 3 - Don't Tread on Me: The American Revolution
Topic 3 Short Answer & EC Writing Prompts
Topic 3 Legends & Lies Reading Quiz Study Guide
From Empire to Independence.pdf
Taxes, Tyranny and Tenacity-Defense of American Rights.pdf
From Resistance to Open Rebellion-The Road to War
RTTP American Revolution Role Play Introduction
Liberty or Death! - Americans at War
The Secrets of Winning a War — Washington as Strategist
Turning the World Upside Down-American Victory
American Revolution: Hypocrisy or Social Revolution?
Abigail Adams to John Adams on Women's Freedom
Topic 4 Notes - A Nation Founded on Compromise
A Nation Founded Upon Compromise
Launching the New Nation - Challenges of the New Republic
Launching the New Nation Evidence Packet.pdf
A Lesson in the Abuse of Power: The Alien & Sedition Acts
How to Get Dirty in Politics - Jefferson, Adams, and the Political Revolution of 1800
The Second War for Indpendence — War of 1812
Writing Workshop
How to Write a Thesis-Driven Essay
Topic 5 Notes - America’s Manifest Destiny
Topic 5 Slave Narrative Response Paper
King Cotton in the Antebellum South
Differing Accounts of Plantation Life.pdf
The Bonds of American Slavery - Restraint, Resistance & Rebellion
Jefferson's Empire of Liberty-Lewis & Clark.pdf
Westward the Course of Empire - Manifest Destiny
Topic 6 Notes - The American Cataclysm: Civil War
Civil War Textbook Study Guide.docx (Microsoft Word Version)
Civil War Textbook Study Guide.pdf (PDF Version)
For the Soul of the Nation (updated)
"Gods & Generals" - First Phase of the Civil War
Conditions in War - Women and Field Hospitals in the Civil War
Tyrant or Savior? - Lincoln's Decisions In War
A Free Man's War -- Emancipation Proclamation
"The Gray Floor of Hell"-Chancellorsville & Gettysburg.pdf
"The Passing of the Dead" - Defeat of the Confederacy.pdf
Shall We End this Bleeding? - Lincoln Movie Intro
"One Country - One Destiny" - Reconstruction & Assassination
National History Day
US History NHD Semester Research Project
NHD Brainstorming Sheet
How to Write a National History Day Thesis
NHD Thesis and Sources Prep (US).pdf
NHD Annotated Bibliography and Thesis Rough Draft
Topic 7 - From Reconstruction to Progressive Reforms
"One Country - One Destiny" - Reconstruction & Assassination
O Captain! My Captain! by Walt Whitman
American Terrorists - The Ku Klux Klan and Reconstructed South
No Irish Need Apply - The Immigrant Experience in America
The Gilded Age - Built on the Backs of the Poor
Toward a New America - The Progressive Era
A Splendid Little War - Imperialism and the Spanish American War
The White Man’s Burden — by Rudyard Kipling
Topic 8 Notes - America in the Great War
The Guns of August - The Great War in Europe
Profiles of Combatant Nations in WWI
A Strained Neutrality - American Entry into War
Mobilizing the Nation EC Assignment
Dulce Et Decorum Est-Life of a Soldier on the Front Lines
Fighting for Peace At Home and Abroad
The Social Effects of World War I
There Will The Rats Be As Well (poem)
Topic 9 Notes - From Boom to Bust: The 1920s and Great Depression
Topic 9 Essay/Book Review
The Noble Experiment - Prohibition updated
Voices of Protest - Harlem Renaissance Poetry
From Boom To Bust-Great Depression.pdf
Great Depression Cultural Response
Topic 10 Notes - The Nightmare: World War II
Night Study Guide Assignment
The Coming of the Storm - Rise of Totalitarian Dictators
From Appeasement to Aggression - WWII Sweeps Europe
Bushido-The Spirit Warriors of Pearl Harbor
The Application of Power - The War for Europe
Turning Tides of War - The War in the Pacific and Mushroom Clouds over Japan
The Final Solution - Destruction and Defiance (updated)
Night Discussion
Topic 11 Notes - The Battle for Civilization: Cold War and Modern America
Topic 11 Reading Schedule
"We Shall Overcome" - Civil Right Response
"Better Dead Than Red!" - the Second Red Scare
America, Allen Ginsberg (Edited)
The Times They Are A’Changin — Civil Rights Era
We Shall Overcome — Bearing the Cross of Civil Rights
Arm Raised with a Clenched Fist - Black Power
Arms Raised with a Clenched Fist - Black Power (condensed)
Stickin' it to the Man! (60s Counterculture)
Counterculture Music of the 1960s & 1970s
The End of an Era: The Silent Majority & Presidential Scandal
Hollywood on the Potomoc - The Reagan Revolution (condensed)
Clash of Civilizations - Terrorism and the Post 9/11 World
Major Semester Assignments/Handouts
Fall Semester Film Project.pdf
USH Movie Storyboard.pdf
Spring Semester Final Project.docx