Extra Credit Options
Need to go back to the future to fix some mistakes? See the options below for EC opportunities that don’t (necessarily) require a DeLorean.
Extra Credit Options:
Screenplay Film Analysis
Watch one or more films from the Oscar Nominated Films for Best Screenplay and Oscar Nominated Films for Best Adapted Screenplay. After you have watched the film(s), TYPE a detailed response to the following questions:
What film did you watch, and summarize the film and its plot (no major spoilers, please!)
What was one scene that made an impression on you? Describe it in detail.
What was impactful about this film? What did you learn about film as an art form from watching it? What was particularly well-done about the film, and how did the screenplay make this possible?
Cinema Shorts (30 Second Films)
Create a film that is exactly 30 seconds in length. Your film should try to incorporate some kind of characterization, use quick cuts, and edit your final cut (you can have other people help you film, and each member of the group will receive EC).
PinUp Productions Intern
Have you got talent, tenacity and the CHUTZPAH necessary to assist me with marketing and video work? If so, sign up for an opportunity to work as a production assistant for one of my projects.