US History Online Lectures
Miss class? You can access many of the class lectures through video links saved on this website and on YouTube. Click on the links below to access.
**To access the videos, you must first log in with your Microsoft Account information (school email and password). Go to www.office365.com, login, then click on the links below.
Worlds Collide: From “Discovery” to Colonization
The First Americans: Pre-Columbian Indian Civilization (pt 1)
The First Americans: Pre-Columbian Indian Civilization (pt 2)
Worlds Collide: European First Discovery and the Columbian Exchange
Founded Upon Smoke: The Virginia Colony
The Wordy Shipmates: Theocracies in the New World Pt 1
The Wordy Shipmates: Theocracies in the New World Pt 2
The American Cataclysm: Civil War
Averting Cataclysm: Last Efforts at Compromise
Gods & Generals - First Phase of the Civil War (Pt 1)
Gods & Generals - First Phase of the Civil War (Pt 2) & A Great Slaughter Pen
Conditions in War - Women in the Civil War
Civil War Field Hospital Demonstration
Lincoln Tyrant or Savior Video 1
Lincoln Tyrant or Savior Video 2
The Gray Floor of Hell (Pt 1) - Chancellorsville
The Gray Floor of Hell (Pt 2) - Gettysburg
A Free Man’s War: Emancipation Proclamation
The Passing of the Dead: End of the Confederacy
Reconstruction to Progressive Reforms
Johnny Get Your Gun! - WWI
From Boom to Bust: America in the Roaring Twenties and Great Depression
The Noble Experiment - Prohibition
Life in the Roaring Twenties Pt 1 - Jazz and Culture
Life in the Roaring Twenties Pt 2 - Movies and Maidens
Life in the Roaring Twenties Pt 3 - The Harlem Renaissance
The Nightmare: WWII
The Coming of the Storm: The Rise of Totalitarian Dictators
The Coming of the Storm Pt 2: The Rise of Hitler
From Appeasement to Aggression: WWII Sweeps Europe
Bushido: The Spirit Warriors of Japan
The Application of Power: European Theater of War (PART 1)
The Application of Power: European Theater of War (PART 2)
Turning the Tides of War in the Pacific (PART 1)
Presidential Decisions in War: The Atomic Bombs
The Final Solution — Destruction (PART 1)
Topic 11 - Cold War and Modern America
Better Dead Than Red (PART 1): America in the Second Red Scare
Better Dead Than Red (PART 2): Cold War Showdowns
The Times They Are A’Changin: The Civil Rights Era
We Shall Overcome: Bearing the Cross of Civil Rights (PART 1)
We Shall Overcome: Bearing the Cross of Civil Rights (PART 2)
Arms Raised With a Clenched Fist: Black Power
Stickin’ It To the Man: Sixties Counterculture
The End of an Era: The Silent Majority and Presidential Scandal