Topic 1 - The Birth of Western Civilization: The Ancient World and Greece
Eurosquad Class Overview (online)
Epic of Gilgamesh Animated Summary
The People of Ithaca v. Odysseus
Plato vs. Aristotle: Philosophical Panel Debate
History Writing 101: How to Write a Thesis-Driven Essay
Topic 2 - From Republic to Empire: The Roman World
Roman for Consul Campaign Video
How Democratic was the Roman Republic?
Who Can Save the Roman Republic?
Caesar & the Ides of March Debate: Righteous Liberators or Murderous Assassins?
An Empire of Madmen? - The Roman Empire and the Men Who Ruled
Fall of the Roman Empire Situation Room
Topic 3 - The Medieval Synthesis -- and Its Cracks
Darkness Falls: Intro to Medieval Europe Webquest
Two Faces of Holy War: The Crusades Debate
Topic 4 - From Death to Rebirth
Quick & Dirty Art -- The Renaissance
Topics 5&6 - Cataclysm of World Views: Reformation Wars of Religion and the Scientific Revolution
Love and Religious War - Henry VIII's Reformation (Video Link)
Mock Trial: Catholic Europe v. Martin Luther
Elizabeth I — Heart of a King Documentary (YouTube Link)
Elizabeth I Heart of a King Documentary Response Assignment
On the Shoulders of Giants: Scientific Revolution Response
Topic 7 - Absolutism, Constitutionalism, and the Search for Order
Documentary: The Rise and Fall of Versailles (Extra Credit)
Finals Prep:
Critique of Louis XIV (Duc de Saint-Simon)
Reacting to the Past - Rousseau, Burke, and Revolution in France, 1791
Man From St. Petersburg by Ken Follett
All Quiet on the Western Front by Erich Maria Remarque
The Nightingale by Kristin Hannah
Topic 8 - Old World Economies and New World Ideals: The Atlantic System and the Enlightenment
Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade Parliamentary Inquiry
Topic 9 - Liberté, Égalité, Fraternité: The French Revolution and Napoleonic Era
Causes of the French Revolution
One Nation — One King Film Analysis
Reacting to the Past French Revolution Role Playing Game
Terror! Robespierre and the Reign of Terror Documentary
Napoleon: Child or Betrayer of the Revolution?
Topic 10 - The Age of Industrialization, Conservative Restoration -- and Its Discontents
Cacophony of Europe - Major Issues of the 19th & Early 20th C Role Playing
The Furnaces of Hell: Industrial Revolution Webquest
The Furnaces of Hell Intro Video (watch this if you missed it in class)
Ideologies and Upheavals - Revolutions of 1830 & 1848
Quick & Dirty Romanticism (in Art)
Quick & Dirty Romanticism Worksheet
Topic 11 - Industries and Empires: The Age of New Imperialism
The White Man’s Burden? -- Imperialism Webquest
Belle Epoch Film Review (Extra Credit)
Topic 12 - Storm of Steel: The Great War and Its Aftermath
World War I Modern Propaganda Film
Voices from WWI Poetry & Film Analysis Analysis
All Quiet on the Western Front (2022) Film Analysis
All Quiet on the Western Front Group Book Analysis
Literary Sub-Topic: War, Women, and Resistance
The Nightingale by Kristin Hannah
Topic 13 - The 20th Century Crises: Great Depression, Totalitarianism and World War II
Spineless Democracies? - Appeasement Webquest
Anthropoid Movie Response Assignment
Neighbors and Villains: Holocaust Discussion
Topic 14 - The Cold War and Making of the Modern World
Cold War History Part 1 - The Postwar Chess Match
Cold War History Part 2 - Peaceful Coexistence, or Continued Competition?
Cold War History Part 3 - The Changing Modern World: Integration, Detente, Disintegration