Watch the video linked below, and you can also read the article for additional information. Then answer the discussion questions below.
Click here to watch the video lecture (This video may be age-restricted. If so, be sure to carefully read the Reading Assignment Link below)
Reading Assignment:
Answering the Fuhrer's Call to Genocidal Action
Write a short response to each of the following questions with details and examples.
Compare and contrast TWO of the theories about perpetrators of the Holocaust. Which theory do you find the most convincing, and which do you find the least convincing and WHY?
How did language and euphemism play a role in the perpetration of the Holocaust?
Pick one of the following concepts about perpetration of the Holocaust and discuss how it could have enabled people’s participation in genocidal actions:
Transference of Guilt
Nazi enabling
Following orders
Working toward the Führer
Passive observers versus active participants
Eliminationist or virulent anti-Semitism