Online Lectures
Miss class? You can access many of the class lectures through video links saved on this website and on YouTube. Click on the links below to access.
**To access the videos, you must first log in with your Microsoft Account information (school email and password). Go to www.office365.com, login, then click on the links below.
The Birth of Western Civilization: The Ancient World and Greece
Topic 2 - From Republic to Empire: The Roman World
From Death to Rebirth - Medieval and Renaissance
Topic 9 - The French Revolution & Napoleonic Era
Topics 10 & 11 - Industries, Empires, and the Workers’ Response
The Troglodyte War: WWI & the Russian Revolution
The Troglodyte War: WWI Begins
Winny Fun Fact of the Day: “The day I tried to match Churchill drink for drink”
Writer’s War: Voices from WWI Poetry Analysis Video
Click here for the Writer’s War Assignment (from the video)
The Sausage Machine: Deadlock and the Horrors of War Pt 1
From Stalemate to Checkmate: The Great Trials of 1917 & 1918
The Twenty Year Truce: Treaty of Versailles and the Age of Anxiety
Topic 13 - The 20th Century Crises: Great Depression, Totalitarianism and World War II
The Twentieth Century Crisis: Rise of Totalitarian Dictators
The Man of Steel: Stalin Removes Opposition
“It’s Not Truth That Matters, But Victory”: Der Führer Rises PART 1
“It’s Not Truth That Matters, But Victory”: Der Führer Rises PART 2
Deutschland Erwacht! — Hitler Seizes Control PART 1
Deutschland Erwacht! — Hitler Seizes Control PART 2
Blitzed: Drugs in the Third Reich
The Nightmare: World War II Begins
Ordinary Men or Willing Executioners? Perpetrators of the Holocaust
Topic 14 - The Cold War and Making of the Modern World