Notes & Class Materials
Honors American Literature
Honors American Literature is a class focused on American Studies. Our nation's history, culture, literature and art have never occurred independently of one another, so why would we teach them that way? In this class you will delve into the multifaceted nature of the American cultural experience through a study of its literature and its history while developing your English Language Arts (ELA) skills.
Intro to the Course
DCUS History & AmLIT Syllabus Assignment (upload to SCHOOLOGY)
Foundations of American Literature
Creation Myths Comparison Discussion
Arthur Miller’s The Crucible Unit
Character Analysis & Description
Dystopian Literary Analysis
The Revenant and Literary Analysis
Revenant Book Annotations Assignment
Crash Course In Literary Terms Assignment
Imagination Pagination: Intro to The Revenant & Creative Writing
Literary Analysis 101 - How to Read Literature Like a Professor
Literary Analysis (Part 2 - Greek Mythology)
HAMILTON! The Musical Essay Response
Literary Analysis Essay Study Guide
Revenant Essay Exam Study Guide
Imagination Pagination (Pt 3) - Setting and Dialogue
Fall of the House of Usher (short story)
Fall of the House of Usher Discussion
America's Manifest Destiny
Lord of the Rings Film Analysis
Bury My Heart At Wounded Knee Unit
William Shakespeare's Macbeth Unit
Modern Dystopia — Ernest Cline's Ready Player One Unit
The Writer’s War: Voices from WWI Unit
Voices from WWI — Poetry Analysis Notes
1917 Movie Response Assignment
Voices from WWI — Short Stories Discussion
To My Brother by Vera Brittain
Dead Man’s Dump by Isaac Rosenberg
Roaring Culture & the Lost Generation
F. Scott Fitzgerald's The Great Gatsby
Therese Anne Fowler's Z: A Novel of Zelda Fitzgerald (Extra Credit)
The Great Gatsby (2013) Movie Response
Literary Criticism Article - “Telescopes and Spyglasses” by Danielle M. Rains
Great Gatsby Vocabulary Study Guide
MLA Citations Review & ACT Writing
Beneath a Scarlet Sky: World War II & the Holocaust Unit
Holocaust Resistance Creative Research Project
Postmodernism in America
Catcher in the Rye Unit Plan
"The Truth About Teen Angst" (article for discussion)
Verse 52 from “Song of Myself” by Walt Whitman
“Comin’ Thro the Rye” by Robert Burns
“What’s it like growing up as a girl?” (RANT)
Robert Frost “Acquainted with the Night”