Arthur Miller’s The Crucible Unit
This unit will consist of the following elements/activities:
Notes: The Devil in New England - Introduction to the Salem Witch Trials
Discussion: The Crucible as Social Conscience
Movie Analysis
Mock Trial: Salem Witch Trials Mock Trial
Notes/Review: Character Analysis and Descriptions
Written Exam
Written Assignments:
The Crucible Vocabulary Study Guide
Reader’s Theater:
We will read Arthur Miller’s The Crucible in class in Reader’s Theater format. Here’s how Reader’s Theater Works:
Read the play
Sign up for a role to read to the class (Perform this with some pizzazz! We don’t expect you to act, but you need to read with a character’s conviction)
Your reading quality will be graded (click here for the rubric)
Your “performance” of the text will be dependent upon you aptly fulfilling the following:
Read with conviction, volume, and expression
Display accurate and clear pronunciation
Pay close attention to the text as we read it (you are failing miserably if we have to call upon you bring you back for your part of the performance)