Reading Assignments


The American Yawp

This is our FREE online textbook. Click on the image above to go to the launch page and read the assigned chapters.

The American Yawp Source Reader

This is a collection of primary sources that will be assigned for class. Click on the image above to go to the launch page and read the assigned sections.

Topics 1 & 2 - Worlds Collide: From “First Discovery” to Colonization

American Yawp, Chapter 1

WHP-The Americas, 1200-1450

ATA - Native Americans

God, Gold, or Glory - The Spanish Invasion of the New World

Bartolome de las Casas - The Devestation of Hispaniola

Don't Know Much About History, pp. 14-23.pdf

John Winthrop, “City Upon a Hill”

Middle Passage Document Exercise.docx


Topic 3 - Don't Tread on Me: The American Revolution

The Road to American Independence

DKM American Revolution and Patriots Packet.pdf

Common Sense and Independence

Declaration of Independence - The Moment of Decision (Debate prep).pdf


Topic 4 - A Nation Founded on Compromise

ATA - Articles of Confederation.pdf

The Great Debate - The Road to the Constitution.pdf

ATA Anti-Federalist vs Federalist Perspectives.pdf

War of 1812.pdf

Topic 5 - America’s Manifest Destiny

Slavery - World Wide View, Then and Now.pdf

Topic 5 Reading Assignment

Cherokee Removal and the Trail of Tears.pdf

Manifest Destiny.pdf

Topic 6 - The American Cataclysm: Civil War

Civil War Textbook.pdf

Civil War Textbook Study Guide.docx (Microsoft Word Version)

Civil War Textbook Study Guide.pdf (PDF Version)

Topic 7 - From Reconstruction to Progressive Reforms

The Promised Land - Reconstruction

DKM — What Was Jim Crow?

DKM — What Happened at Custer’s Last Stand?

Red Cloud & Joseph on Indian Rights and Surrender.pdf

DKM — Who Were the Robber Barons?


Responses to Industrialization

How Gilded Age Corruption Led to the Progressive Movement

Progressive Era

DKM - Spanish-American War

Topic 8 - America in the Great War

American Yawp, Chapter 21

Alan Seeger - On World War I

Hemingway - Soldier’s Home

Mary Borden - The Forbidden Zone

Emma Goldman - On Patriotism

W.E.B. DuBois - Returning Soldiers

Lutiant Van Wert - The 1918 Flu Pandemic

Topic 9 - From Boom to Bust: The 1920s and Great Depression

1920s Culture

American Yawp, Ch 22

Ellen Welles Page, “A Flapper’s Appeal to Parents”

Explanation of the Objects of the Universal Negro Improvement Association (1921)

Hiram Evans on the “The Klan’s Fight for Americanism” (1926)
Alain Locke on the “New Negro” (1925)

Topic 10 - The Nightmare: World War II

Topic 10 Reading Schedule

Hitler Challenges the West

July 1945, the Moment of Decision

Stimson - The Atomic Bomb and Surrender of Japan

A-Bomb as a "Hot" Historical Issue

Revisionist Historical Arguments

The Holocaust

Topic 11 - The Battle for Civilization: The Cold War & Modern America

Howard Zinn - Cold War & Civil Rights

DKM - The Torch is Passed (60s & 70s)

Vietnam Conflict

Vietnam Debate.docx