

The Nazi Party created a cult of personality that motivated many followers to devote their daily lives to service to a radical political and social movement. While not every German supported the Nazis, every German’s life felt the impact of the Nazi Revolution. Students will research topics of daily life in the Third Reich and present a lesson to their peers about its impact on German lives.

Step 1:
Watch the documentary Rise of the Third Reich (linked here), which tells the story of Nazi Germany as told through the lenses of amateur filmmakers.

Step 2:
Choose ONE aspect of daily life in Nazi Germany, and create a 5-10 minute lesson including visual sources (a powerpoint, for example), quotes, multimedia clips, and a detailed description of that aspect of German Life. You can also devise a short activity or engagement tool to stimulate interest in your topic. You may research any of the included list below, but it is first come first serve — each aspect can only be taught to the class by one student. You will have your project completed and ready for presentation by the assigned date. Not having your lesson ready in time will lead to loss of student respect, the breakdown of order in the classroom, and removal from your position as teacher (failure on the assignment).

Step 3:

Create an assessment for your classmates that you will submit to your instructor for review. This needs to be either 5 multiple choice questions with 4 possible options and only 1 correct answer, OR a short answer question that directly relates to what you taught your classmates.


  • Hitler Youth and Hitler Maidens

  • Berlin Olympics

  • Education System

  • Euthanasia Program

  • Strength Through Joy Program

  • Volksgemeinschaft

  • Enabling Act

  • Music in the Third Reich

  • Propaganda

  • Film & Media

  • Nuremberg Rallies

  • Nuremberg Laws

  • Occult Influence and Practices

  • Personality Cult

  • Lives of Workers

  • Hereditary Health Laws

  • Nazi Teacher’s Association

  • Night of the Long Knives

  • SS Membership

  • Gestapo Reports

  • SA Membership