Reactions to the Black Death
The plague has arrived in your local populace! How might you react, or what will you do to save yourself (and potentially others)?
Read the articles linked below. Then choose a perspective and write a 1-2 (double spaced) response from the FIRST PERSON perspective (as a person of the time).
Nobleman or Noblewoman in England writing to your Liege Lord or King
A priest in Florence writing to your Bishop
A Florence Merchant writing to the ruling Oligarchs
The writer and poet Boccaccio of Florence writing to his friends in Venice
A Parisian Doctor writing to the medical school at Sorbonne University
Your response should include all of the following:
A description of conditions facing your town/city and the afflicted people now that the plague has arrived
Recommendations to how we should react or respond to the plague (medically, socially, politically, and/or economically)
Feel free to incorporate your experience with the most recent Pandemic to guide your thinking on these issues!
Black Death - Causes, Symptoms, and Impacts (If this doesn’t load properly, just Google it)
Analyzing the Past in the Present: COVID-19 & The Black Death