You have been transported back to Germany in the summer of 1939. Since Hitler and the Nazis have come to power, they have revolutionized German society in ways that many find popular and inspiring, while others find it horrifying. Your task today will be to “interview” German citizens and ask them how they perceived or responded to the events and changes taking place between Jan 1933 (Hitler’s appointment as Chancellor) and August 1939 (just before World War II).
Read the links below and answer the questions in the first person, as if you were living in that time period. Keep in mind, you don’t know what is going to happen to Germany, that there will be another world war, or what will take place in the Holocaust. You are an ordinary German, and you will answer from each of the following perspectives (depending on the questions provided in the handout):
• A member of the Social Democrats (a political party that opposed the Nazis in the Reichstag)
• A high-ranking Nazi Party official
• A German teenager of Aryan descent
• A German citizen of Jewish descent
Process: Click through the following links and answer the questions in the assignment
Social Democrat response links:
Nazi Party Official response links:
Germany teenager of Aryan descent response links:
German citizen of Jewish descent response links:
Answer the questions in the assignment using Notability or an App that allows you to export the assignment as a PDF.