Cuban Missile Crisis Mock Trial

It is January of 1963, and the World has had enough of these apocalyptic showdowns between the United States and Soviet Union.  The United Nations is hosting a trial of the individuals involved in provoking the Cuban Missile Crisis, and it plans to economic sanctions against whichever country is to blame for the Crisis, and that country will be diplomatically isolated.


The leaders of the United States of the United States are charging the leaders of the Soviet Union and Cuba with violating world peace through their unsolicited provocation of Nuclear War.


Prosecuting Attorneys

President John F. Kennedy

Attorney General Robert Kennedy

Robert McNamara - Secretary of Defense

Adlai Stevenson - US Ambassador

General Curtis LeMay

Captain Jerry Coffee - U2 Pilot

Ted Sorensen - Kennedy Advisor


Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev (Defendant)

Cuban Dictator Fidel Castro (Defendant)

Valerian Zorin - Soviet Ambassador

Sergei Khrushchev - Son of the Soviet Premier

Alexander Alexeev - Soviet Ambassador

Anatoly Dobrynin - Soviet Ambassador

Andrei Gromyko - Soviet Foreign Minister

Rodion Malinovsky - Soviet Defense Minister

General Issa Pliyev


Overview Video

Primary Sources Page

The Armageddon Letters

Robert McNamara and the Cuban Missile Crisis

Cuban Missile Crisis TedTalk

Cuban Missile Crisis Overview and Resources

USA/USSR Debate in the United Nations (1962)

Interview with Sergei Khrushchev

9 Most Important Lessons to Take from the Cuban Missile Crisis