Congressional Hearing Roles

The Gilded Age on Trial:

Robber Barons Congressional Hearing

Trial Roles

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Robber Barons Congressional Hearing — Trial Roles

• The Defendants Andrew Carnegie, J.D. Rockefeller, and J.P. Morgan are charged:
(1) Violating working class and competing business' rights guaranteed under the 14th Amendment (Life, Liberty, and Property)
(2) Creation of a monopoly in violation to the Sherman Anti-Trust Act (1890)
(3) Corrupt business practices and committing graft to further their business and political interests
• The Defendant Boss William Tweed is charged:
(1) Voter fraud
(2) Embezzlement and graft at the public's expense
(3) Corrupt business practices and committing graft to further his political interests

• Andrew Carnegie, owner of US Steel (Case occurs in 1901)
• J.P. Morgan, banking tycoon (Case occurs in 1912)
• J.D. Rockefeller, owner of Standard Oil (Case occurs in 1911)
• Boss William Tweed, Tammany Hall Ringleader (Case occurs in 1877)

Defendant Character Witnesses:

The persons listed below will act as character witnesses for those who are on trial:
• Herbert Spenser, Social Darwinist Philosopher
• Henry Clay Frick

Prosecution Witnesses:
The persons listed below are accusing the defendants, and each witness has an assigned person they will accuse, and the person they are accusing will be in (parentheses); however they are NOT limited to only accusing the defendant in parentheses:

  • Eugene V. Debs (Carnegie)

  • Homestead Striker and union leader (Carnegie)

  • Arsene Pujo, Chairman of Congressional Committee to investigate J.P. Morgan and Wall Street Banking Cartels

  • Ida Tarbell, muckraker (Rockefeller)

  • Lincoln Steffens, muckraker (Tweed)

  • Alexander Berkman, anarchist and failed assassin (Frick & Carnegie)

  • Emma Goldman, anarchist leader (All)

Secondary Trial Roles:
• Congressional Members