Workers of the World — UNITE!

By 1848, centuries of class struggle and decades of mistreatment at the hands of bourgeois capitalist industrial leaders has led to the formation of a band of theoretical and revolutionary socialists who are primed to lead the proletariat in violent class struggle. You will argue these differing perspectives in class, based upon your research of the historical time period and your reading of the relevant materials.


You will prepare a 2 page position paper that argues your stance based on the following debate prompt:

Resolved: Given the social, political, and economic institutions of Europe in the nineteenth century, socialism provided the only form of possible change for the betterment of the working class.

You will write your paper given your historical perspective that you have chosen, and you will also debate this issue in class as if you are that historical persona.

  1. Conservative Aristocrat and Warhawk

  2. Liberal Middle Class Industrialist

  3. Working Class Socialist and/or Revolutionary Student


Read each of the following:

You are welcome to use additional resources