1984 Simulation Game
“If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face—for ever.”
For one week, you will perform a simulation of dystopian society created in the midst of a cataclysmic event that destroys the world as we know it. You will have to act the part of a Party Member living within this dystopian world, both in our class and in your other classes following a set of proscribed Party Rules. From your class, a new society will develop in which you are the rulers, but what sort of society will you create?
Mr. Fairbanks will be your Game Master (GM) and will inform you of major changes in the world and new developments in the game. The rest of the game is in your hands, and the game’s excitement is entirely determined by YOU, the players.
To Begin
The Game will begin as the GM hands out the Party Envelopes.
Do not discuss The Game with any students who are not part of Honors AmLIT. Within the Party Envelope, you will receive a folded piece of paper that will designate your assigned role and the Party Rules:
You will be either a Comrade or a member of the Thought Police.
YOU MAY NOT UNFOLD YOUR ASSIGNMENT DURING CLASS TIME OR IN THE PRESENCE OF OTHER COMRADES! Your identity/role in The Game must be kept secret from all other members.
Violating the above instructions will increase the length of your reflection paper, and could therefore negatively impact your workload and your overall grade if you are not careful.
Good luck.
Your World: Outer Party vs. Inner Party
Welcome to 1984. To remain in good standing with Big Brother, you must obey the Party’s rules. There are at least two Thought Police per class. Thought Police may report offenses for any Outer Party members they observe committing crimes against the Party. Since you do not know who the informants are, you may choose to violate the rules at will; however, you never know who will be watching. Big Brother reserves the right to select more than the original two Thought Police as The Game progresses in order monitor the actions of the Outer Party. As such, you never know who will be watching.
The Outer Party: The Outer Party members are the common citizens of 1984. They belong to the party but are servants to the greater good of society. Comrades are essential to the day-to-day operations, but are really just cogs in the wheel, and therefore expendable.
Responsibilities of the Outer Party: Survive and figure out who the Thought Police are... not that it will help you...
The Inner Party: As the game develops throughout the week, a cataclysmic event will open opportunities for some Outer Party Members to rise to positions of leadership and form the Inner Party. Those Inner Party Members will be chosen due to their leadership abilities, speaking skills, ideas to fix the world and make it a “better place” in which Big Brother reigns supreme, and all opposition is destroyed.
Responsibilities of the Inner Party: Become leaders of Oceania, enable Big Brother to reign supreme, but you still MUST SURVIVE. Do not violate the Party Rules and figure out who the Thought Police are... not that it will help you...
Thought Police
The Thought Police: This is the group responsible for making sure that the Outer and Inner Party members stay loyal to society. They are informants to Big Brother but seem to be ordinary citizens, and as these dangerous people could be anyone...
Responsibilities: To report Outer Party offenses to Big Brother and punish the disloyal. Make a list of the offenders and their crimes.
Use the THOUGHT POLICE REPORT FORM below (or near the top of the page).
Submit your list to Big Brother every evening no later than 7:00 p.m. The GM may be sharing these infractions in class, so please have members on your list daily AND submit the lists on time. Submission of these lists will affect your paper length requirements.
Written Assignment
All Thought Police and Outer Party members will complete a written assignment that will be due upon completion of the game. The paper will be a reflection paper on your experience during this game.
Outer & Inner Party Members
If you did not violate any of the rules, your wrap-up must be one double-spaced page.
If you have violated any one of the rules, your wrap-up must be two double-spaced pages. For
EACH TWO additional offenses, add an additional half page.
If, at the end of the game, you suspect who might be a member of the Thought Police, then you may share this sentiment privately with Big Brother in writing VIA The Thought Police Submission Form. If you are correct, you do not have to write any additional pages. If you are incorrect, you must make your wrap-up one page longer. You have one guess. I will announce the verdict on the last day of the game.
Thought Police
If you are a member of the Thought Police and no one guesses your identity, you do not have to write a paper (though you will still receive full credit for it), as long as you have submitted your lists daily.
● If your identity is discovered and you submitted the required lists, your wrap-up must be two double-spaced pages. Not submitting lists in a consistent manner (at least one infraction each day) will result in a wrap-up paper of three double-spaced pages.
Your paper must have the proper MLA heading, have 1” margins, and must be a 12-point font, double-spaced.
Your paper is a reflection paper, which means you should reflect on your experience of the game. You must still have a thesis statement and organized paragraphs, but your thesis will be a one-sentence summary of your experience and each paragraph will focus on one aspect of your experience. If you are having trouble coming up with ideas, consider the following questions:
How has your understanding of the book changed as a result of The Game?
● Write about your general reactions to the game. Did you think about your classmates differently?
● How did you feel (paranoid, challenged, indifferent)?
● Write about your feelings about other, unknown people who are able to monitor your actions, banking activity, Internet activity, phone activity, etc.
What did you think of the second part of the simulation, which involved the formation of a society in the fallout of a cataclysmic event that destroyed our world and its technologies?
What people did you think especially played their roles well? Did this activity reveal anything about their personalities?
What did this simulation teach you about the human personality? Are some people (even ones that you know and go to school with every day) just more prone to be subservient, while others are more prone to become Party Leaders and even Dictators? Is that a comforting or scary thought?
This paper is not a critique of the game itself. This paper is about your experience and what it made you think about and/or feel.
Party Ideology of INGSOC and
Comrade Rules of Oceania
Social media posts during school hours are a distraction from learning. Any social media posts, snaps, selfies, BE REAL, or TikToks during school hours is strictly prohibited.
Black must be worn (not carried) at all times. Anyone should be able to see the Black without having to look for it.
Sleeping in class or placing one’s head on one’s desk is a distraction from learning. Sleeping or putting one’s head on one’s desk deters from productivity.
Books will be carried in the right hand. Bags and purses must be worn over the right shoulder.
Classmates must be greeted with the phrase, “Good morning, Comrade,” or “Good afternoon, Comrade,” before any other speech commences. This phrase substitutes for “hi,” “hello,” “what’s up,” or any other such greeting.
Students must either greet all teachers with the phrase, “I am eager to learn today,” OR depart from the class saying, “Thank you, Comrade.”
Students must use the standard-issue Party Black Pen for all class work in all classes except math where a pencil is allowed (or in the case of a teacher specifically asking for another color ink).
Comrades may only consume water in other classrooms and may only consume water and Victory Coffee in Airstrip One (Room 220). Comrades must be gum and beverage free in all classrooms to avoid learning distraction. Any student seen drinking or chewing gum during class time (in any class) will be in violation of the rules.
Students must pick up any litter seen on school floors. Any student seen passing litter on the floor in a hallway or classroom without picking it up will be in violation of the rules.
Students must walk on the right side of the hallway ONLY. Any student seen walking on the left side of school corridors anywhere on campus will be in violation of the rules. (Right side is defined as the side of the hallway on their right as they face forward.)
Students must NOT inform non-Party members of their allegiance to the Party during school hours. Any direct discussion of this game (other than during this class or with Big Brother) with students in other classes either in or outside school hours is strictly prohibited (this includes social media). If asked questions by a teacher, students may say they would love to discuss the Party with him or her before or after school to avoid distraction from class learning time, or ask them to direct their questions to Big Brother. This rule is in force immediately.
You must always enter the building through the main Party Office Courtyard door (unless otherwise directed by a teacher, i.e. fire drills, etc.) and you must never open another outside door for any student to enter the building.
During Party announcements (morning and afternoon), students must stand at attention. When announcements are over, students must say “GO RAMS!” in a voice sufficiently loud so that other students and teachers can hear.
Comrades will not use cell phones during instructional time in any class (unless directed by a teacher). The use of all personal electronic devices will deter from productivity.
When speaking to lunch staff, custodians, office staff, or any non-teaching adult, students must express gratitude for their service by greeting them with the phrase “We appreciate your work on behalf of our education.”
Anyone choosing not to follow the Party rules will be required to complete an additional assignment (this won’t be pleasant).
At no time shall the participation in this game cause a disruption or distraction in any other class, during passing periods or at lunch. Regardless of how funny you may think it is, you will be treated in a way befitting someone who disrupts a classroom.
These rules are subject to change and additional rules may be added. Students are responsible for following all modified or additional rules.
Any discussion or opposition to these rules must be discussed before this game begins.