Orwellian Dystopia Creative Project Design
“If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face—for ever.”
Choose ONE of the project ideas listed below either as an individual or as a group (see details on which assignments can be group projects) to demonstrate your interpretation of George Orwell’s 1984.
Diary Entry
Individual Project
Write a diary from the perspective of a character in the novel (other than Winston). The diary should reflect your character’s point of view throughout the story. Be sure to create a creative and attractive cover for the diary. (2-3 Typed pages )
Creative Writing & Poetry
Individual Project
Write at least 5 POEMS inspired by the novel. Bind your book in an attractive and creative way. Be sure to include several illustrations too! (5 Typed Pages)
Write a SHORT STORY that shows us another character’s experience in 1984. This can be a completely new character that you have invented, but lives within the world of 1984, or you could write a side story from the perspective of one of Orwell’s characters (Parsons, O’Brien, Julia, Charrington, etc.). (3-5 Typed Pages)
Concept Album
Individual or Group Project
Create a CD with Attractive cover and at least three songs that relate to the novel in interesting ways. Then write an organized essay explaining how each song illustrates some important aspect of the novel. (1 typed explanation essay with album/songs)
Individual Project
Create an artistic work (using sculpture, painting, drawing, collage, photography etc.) that explores the issues raised in 1984. Specific assignments are explained below.
Create an attractive and neat book of at least 5 careful and artistic drawings, with labels that relate to the book.
Create an attractive and neat collection of at least 3 carefully designed artistic paintings or 1 large canvas painting.
Create an attractive and neat scrapbook with at least 5 pages of artifacts and photographs that resemble the world in the book. Incorporate captions too.
People Magazine
Create a magazine inspired by the novel. Magazines should be at least 5 pages. They need 3 articles that discuss the book in some way, and two advertisements.
Photography Portfolio
Create a portfolio of artistic photography inspired by the book. Also, create a one page double spaced explanation of the photos.
Individual or Group Project
Propaganda Film
Create a propaganda film for the Party. Be sure to include details from the text as you make your movie. Use appropriate costumes and settings. Speak to me for further instruction if you choose this option. (1-3 minute Edited video)
Short Creative Film
Create a short film of your Utopia story or your Room 101 story. See me to discuss this idea (3-5 minute edited video)
Analytical Writing and Critical Thinking
(both of which are illegal in 1984…)
Individual Project
The Social Dilemma Review
Watch the documentary The Social Dilemma on Netflix. Discuss how modern technology offers a first step toward a 1984-style dystopia. Does our society’s use of technology create a system that is negatively affecting our behavior, or even destroying our social behavior? Is it emotionally or psychologically destructive? Could it be a threat to democracy itself? Is your mind vulnerable to attack and manipulation because of technology?
Write a 2-3 page double spaced response to the film.
Cultural Critique
Write a social commentary for the newspaper. Use current events and concepts from the novel to construct a logical argument. In your opinion, how is our society like the society Orwell describes? What should our society do to change? (3-4 Typed pages)
Historical Research
Write a short historical research paper. The conclusion should attempt to connect the topic to the novel. Use at least 3 sources and CITE them in MLA format. (3-4 Typed pages)